This grass and mulch seed manufacturer wanted to replace four case packing lines in two separate facilities. The grass seed facility used 15-year-old equipment that required frequent and time-consuming changeovers. The mulch seed facility, on the other hand, could not keep up with staffing needs for their manual pack operation. Both facilities desperately needed an upgrade to ensure efficiency and reliability of their operations.
- Equipo
- Formadora de cajas
- Armadora de Cajas Bliss
- Empacadora de cajas estándar
- Empacadora de cajas configurable
- Insertador de particiones
- Cerca
- Paquete a granel/bolsa en caja
- Selladora de cajas
- Paletizadora robótica estándar
- Paletizadora Robótica Configurable
- Despaletizadora robótica configurable
- Integrated Systems
- Cerca
- Modificaciones y Actualizaciones
- Servicio tecnico
- Refacciones
- Consumibles
- Goma Caliente
- Cinta
- Cerca
- Cerca